When we say we will be BIBLICALLY SERIOUS people of faith we mean — We will know the Word, read the Word, love the Word, and when we are cut we will bleed the Word of God. 

When we say we will be COMMUNITY DRIVEN, we will actively live out our faith in community with one another, forgiving as we’ve been forgiven, and living as transparently as possible.

When we say we will be RELENTLESSLY MISSIONAL, we resolve wholeheartedly to make the great commission the call of our lives. We will live as men and women who are “sent” into the world as disciples who make disciples.


We will embody God’s Word and Reformed doctrine, as we live in community with one another, and, as we do whatever it takes to reach people for the gospel!


That is who we are striving to be, by God's grace. Even when we fall we pray that, with God’s help, we will fall forward.

Biblically serious.

We prioritize the gospel above all else.  The gospel shapes every aspect of our lives. We will teach the gospel, and when the bible says, ‘Jump!’ we will respond, ‘How high?’


We make disciples, not just believers.  We refuse to stop at ‘knowing’ the gospel. We will embody our doctrine as we work to make disciples who, in turn, make disciples.


Community driven.

Discipleship happens in circles.  Circles are better than rows. We are fully devoted to living out the one-another commands of scripture as we live out our faith in community together.


We are known, loved, and accounted for.  We will live transparently, and not in the shadows, functioning like a healthy faith family, fully loved, fully known, and unafraid.


We run toward the challenges. We know the greatest weapon against the Devil is truth, repentance, and confession. We will run toward the challenges as we seek forgive as much as we have been forgiven.

Relentlessly missional.

We contribute more than we consume.  The church does not exist for us. We are the church, and we exist for the life of the world. We will practice ridiculous generosity knowing it all belongs to him


We do whatever it takes to reach people for the gospel Short of sin, we will be all things to all people so that by all possible means we might ‘win’ some.


Every member is SENT! Calling is not a special experience for a sacred few. It is a basic element of the Christian life. Every Christian is a sacred ‘priest’ called by God to join him in making a contribution for his mission.  


want to learn more?

Take a look at our Starting Point booklet that we use for our new members classes.