Watch the 2024 woS Recap!

JUNE 15 & 16, 2024

Our 1st ever Weekend of Service was a day dedicated to showing the love of Jesus to our community in Abbotsford through serving others! Gateway was been challenged by the youth of our congregation to get 300 people to sign up for this event! We be worked on various projects to beautify our city and lend a helping hand. Through acts of kindness, we hoped to provide help and hope in the name of Jesus.

We served together on Saturday, June 15th, from 8.30am-1.00pm, and met back at the church for lunch together!

We then celebrated our contributions to our city, and give God all the glory on Sunday morning, June 16th, at our 10.00am worship service.

We look forward to serving the Lord and our City through the coming year!



What kind of service projects will there be?
While our focus is on coming alongside the needs of our city, we’ll be partnering with other organizations we love and their needs too.  Projects will have us helping with removing invasive weeds in our city parks, litter control on our streets.  We'll also be working the Gleaners, Tabor Home, Life Recovery, and other homes that have been impacted by the floods.


Who can participate?
Everyone! This event is open to all ages, abilities, and gifts. Whether you're young or old, experienced or a beginner, there's a way you can contribute and make a difference. If you have physical limitations, we are certain we can still find a project for you to take part in! 

Can I sign up for a specific area of service?

Each registrant may request to sign up with a particular captain and we will do our best to accommodate one of their listed top two choices. However, we want to ensure that all serve projects are a success so, in certain cases, we may need to ask people to serve elsewhere.

What should I wear?
Our BLUE GATEWAY SERVE SHIRTS!  Many who are in our Life Groups already have one, so wear that!! If you don’t have one, be sure to come by the HUB in the church lobby and find one that fits you.  Also, dress for comfort and weather conditions. We recommend closed-toe shoes suitable for working outdoors (boots might be helpful if working in muddy and wet areas due to the floods). Consider bringing work gloves if you have them.  However, if there are specific needs pertinent to the area of service you will be in, we'll be sure that your Team Leader shares important information with you.

What should I bring?

Come prepared for the morning of service.  We’ll have teams visiting sites with water, coffee, and snacks, but knowing what you need – is best left to you!  Consider having your own water bottle, sunscreen, and a hat as weather demands.  Most of all, come with a positive attitude and a willingness to serve the Lord, and our city! 


Do I need to bring anything else for the work?
As we learn more about the projects we plan to take on, our Team Captains will be working with the city or organizations and will communicate directly with each team, if further needs arise. 


Will there be food provided?
Yes! We will have dedicated Hospitality Teams who will drive from site to site, dropping off drinks and snacks, and words of encouragement throughout the morning. Also, when the projects are over, everyone is invited back to Gateway at 1.00pm for a lunch celebration.

What if I have die
tary restrictions?

It's best to bring your own snacks if you have specific dietary needs.

Is transportation provided?
Transportation is partially provided for this event. Team captains will be ready and willing to drive individuals to serve sites. But we will also need a few more volunteers to help with carpooling.  Ahead of time, you will hear from your Team Captain about your location of service, so that you know where to go, and can therefore plan on how to get there.


I can't participate for the full 4.5 hours, can I still come?
Absolutely! Any amount of time you can contribute is greatly appreciated, just know that transportation then, will be entirely up to you.