MEXICO VIsionary Experience

Vincente Guerrero, Mexico

March 24- April 1, 2024

our Trip

For one week, you will experience life in Mexico. We will come alongside the work of YWAM as they carry out what the Lord has called them to in Baja Mexico. During our time in Mexico you will get to experience different outreach projects. 

Community Outreach

The goal of a trip such as this is not to come in and "fix the problems" we see, rather that we come alongside the work already being done. We'll be partnering with various ministries during out time in Mexico in opportunities such as visiting an orphanage, evangelism at the dump, before school breakfast programs, visiting Rancho de Cristo and more. It will be a great opportunity to see the way that the Lord is working in Baja Mexico.

House build outreach

Many families living in Mexico earn a very very low income and are unable to afford adequate food and housing. Families often live in very small shelters made of cardboard, plastic, pallets ad salvaged building materials. When we build a house for a family in Baja, we are breaking the poverty cycle, improving health and education opportunity for the children and giving them more hope and an ability to have dreams for the future. Families understand that it is because of Jesus' love for them that they are being blessed with a home. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • These pages are well worth the read to give greater understanding on what we will be doing, the area we will do ministry and more. 

    YWAM Orientation Book

  • BLUEPRINT of house

  • Alaskan Airlines

    March 24, 2024

    Depart Seattle Airport at 7:00am on Flight 1258

    Arrive San Diego Airport at 9:52am

    Alaskan Airlines

    April 1, 2024

    Depart San Diego Airport at 7:00am Flight 1265

    Arrive Seattle Airport at 9:56am

    Arrive at Gateway Church

    April 1, 2024

    Roughly 1:30pm

  • Here are the list you have all been waiting for. 

    Work Teams

    Mexico Rooming Groups

    San Diego Roommate

    Transportation lists will be coming out soon. 

  • Here is the family profile

    Andrea Mesa Lima

  • During our time in Mexico, we wil be staying in the city of Vencente Geurerro, which is on the Baja peninsula, 6 hours south of the US/Mexico Boarder. 

  • Please fill this form out and send to Marcel before January 15, 2024. 

    YWAM Concent Form

  • If you are under the age of 18, please fill out this form and have it notarized. In order to get you through customs without any hassle, this form is needed.  Please print off and fill BUT DO NOT SIGN until you are in the presence of the Lawyer. More details to come.

  • We will be driving to the Seattle airport early on Sunday, March 24th. We will fly from Seattle to San Diego via Alaska Airlines. Youth With a Mission will meet us at the airport and transportation will be provided for the drive to Vincente Guerrero.  On our return we will stay 1 night in San Diego (hotel). 

  • While in Vincente Guerrero, we will be stay at YWAM's secure compound. The rooms are dormitory style, bunkbed - either 8 or 12 to a room. Each participant will need to bring their own sleeping bag and pillow.  While in San Diego for our fun days, we will be staying at Comfort Inn and Suites by Choice hotels.  It will be three per room. 

  • We have one adult leader for every 6 youth.  All the leaders are current youth ministry leader or parents of the youth. 

  • Passports are required and need to be valid for 6 month from our return day, March 21, 2023.  If you do not have a passport, please begin the process immediately.  Parents will need to sign a release form that is notarized. Please keep your passport on your body. DO NOT pack it in your checked luggage. 

  • The total cost of the trip is $1,700 per person.  A deposit of $300 is required from each participating youth. We will do our best to fundraise the remaining amount. Any funds not raised will be the responsibility of participant.  Cost will cover: 

    Air fare, YWAM costs, house build, food while in Mexico, transportation in San Diego,  Hotel in San Diego, meals in San Diego

    Participants Cost: Meals at airport, lunch on March 24, snacks and treats, luggage cost to and from, meals on April 1. 

  • This is a short outreach. Please, pack light. The people you will minister to dress very conservatively; try to do the same by bringing simple, plain clothes.  Remember: What you pack is important, but what you don't pack is as important. 

    The people we will minister to dress very conservatively. Bring very simple and plain clothes.

    Please note – if you want to do laundry, it will need to be done by hand. 

  • There are no vaccines required for the trips to Mexico but we suggest you check with your health clinic and that you have a current Tetanus shot.

    FAQ from the Homeland Security Website: 

    Q. What are the requirements to enter the United States for children under the age of 18 who can't be vaccinated?

    A: Children under 18 years of age are excepted from the vaccination requirement at land and ferry POEs.

    For more information:

  • The media has been working overtime in recent months spreading exaggerated reports of violence and criminal activity in Mexico. Based on this type of misinformation, many people, both tourists and short-term missionaries are avoiding Mexico.

    This is a very sad situation on many levels. The financial impact trickles down through the Mexican economy, hurting an already-struggling economy. But, even more devastating is the loss of assistance which mission’s teams bring to the poorest people of this state.

    We would like to set the record straight: life in Vicente Guerrero where your group will be going,  and on the Baja peninsula is normal, safe and calm.  People are going about their normal business, going to work and school, shopping and playing. We are bringing teams down at least twice a month and we have crossed the border at Tijuana many many times in the past several months. We do not go into Tijuana at all….we stay on the main highway.  Our shopping at the end of our weeks is in Ensenada…where four cruise ships a week allow 1000’s of people to disembark and stroll around the city,  with no problems at all.  We have never, ever witnessed even a hint of violent activity in all of our travels. Nor have any of our  teams reported ever hearing or seeing anything of that nature.

    The spate of crime that the news media is so quick to inflate and report is, for the most part, between drug cartels and between the cartels and police/military. Mexican President Felipe Calderon has pledged to fight the drug cartels which means, if anything, we are seeing increased police and military presence, which we feel is a good sign. It makes us feel safer.  The major areas of violence are Juarez Mexico near El Paso Texas, the State of Guerrero which is almost 2000 miles away from where we minister, and the Mexico City area, which is also close to 2000 miles from where we minister.

    The Baja California area and in particular the town that we minister in (Vicente Guerrero) is in the green (safe) area on the U.S. State Department violence maps.

  • We are planning a fun day in San Diego. 

    Sunday, March 31: We will be celebrating Easter at North Coast Church in Carlsbad. The afternoon, we will visit one of the many wonderful beach. 

  • Please pack only 1 suitcase and 1 carry one.  This include your sleeping bag and pillow.

    Checked: No single piece of checked baggage may weigh more than f 50 lbs and have a maximum dimension of 62" (linear).

    Carry-On: Passengers are allowed one bag measuring no more than 22" x 14" x 9" or 45 linear inches (including wheels and handle), plus one personal item such as a purse, briefcase, or laptop bag. 

  • We do not recommend you take a lot.  You will need some cash for a few meals and the rest will be for gifts for family and friends.  Suggested amount $200 USD in small denominations. 

  • We always operate on trust first. So cell phones are allowed but do not over use. If we see you over using your phone and not socializing, we will restrict use. For example, during the drive from San Diego to Vincente Guerrero - if you're on your phone the entire time, we will take it away.  Rule of thumb - phone is only for camera or music at night.  DO NOT GET DATA.  The threshold is very low before we begin making restrictions to your phone usage.  

  • Every day we will meet as a team debrief the days events. You will be asked "Where did you see God today?" Keep your eyes and heart open to the move of God around us and in us. 

    We will also spend time following the Acts 2 model of the early church - prayer, scripture reading, fellowship.  We will take time to read through scripture together and spend significant time in prayer.  

    We will also go over the next days events and any preparations that need to take place.

    Group Dynamics is always a good time to bond as a team,

  • On any given ministry trip, no news is always good news.  But, accidents happen.

    In the case of any significant accident with your teen, you will be notified by Pastor Marcel. "Significant' will be determined by Pastor Marcel and other adult leaders. 

    If you need to get ahold of the team for an emergency at home, you can call 604-302-2127.  Remember, this is for emergency only NOT for casual conversation with your teen.

  • You are responsible for obtaining any medical insurance for your teen.  Please supply a copy of your insurance to Pastor Marcel just in case it is needed. 

  • If you missed the Team meeting on November 26